
"Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." ~ Albert Einstein


At Linton-On-Ouse Primary School and Nursery we strive to ensure all children become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, are able to show reasoning in a mathematical way and that they can solve problems by applying their mathematical knowledge. We deliver lessons that are practical, creative, engaging and allow for challenge and support where needed. Our curriculum supports cross curricular use of mathematical skills, developing mathematical confidence and skills, as well as applying their learning to everyday life.


Following the White Rose Maths structure and meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum, we deliver a balanced, rich, supportive and challenging curriculum across the Key Stages. The progressive structure of our curriculum allows children to build on their prior knowledge and develop their next steps. We celebrate our learning in Maths throughout the year, by marking certain days or events with a significant mathematical focus, such as Barvember and Number Day.


In EYFS our Maths is delivered in a practical and active manor. The structure of the White Rose Maths is used to ensure that mathematical learning and skills are developed in each lesson. Our children are taught in small groups through directed and non-directed learning. Within our role play areas, classroom and outdoor learning areas, children have access to a wide variety of mathematical resources and equipment to support the development of their skills and knowledge.

KS1 and KS2

Following our calculation policy children are taught to develop their practical learning to use formal written calculations. All pupils have access to a wide variety of mathematical concrete resources, as well as resources to support their written methods and mental recall. From Year 2, children have access to Century Tech and TT Rockstars (TTRS). 


Impact is measured by assessing against the National Curriculum Age-Related Expectations statements through ‘Insight pupil tracking’ as:

·       Below

·       Just Below

·       On Track

·       Greater Depth

 Pupils will also take NFER assessments once a term gaining a standardised score, that we use to support our teacher judgements for all pupils’ assessments.

At the end of KS2 our pupils will sit the statutory assessments in Mathematics (SATS) and in Year 4 our pupils will sit the Multiplication Tables Check.  

All subjects are monitored and kept up to date by a specified subject leader. Each term, reports are created to share with school staff and governors, showing the children's progression and key development points for that subject area. 

Parents are informed of their child's progress through parent-teacher meetings and written reports. Teachers will request to meet with parents should any concerns arise, aiming for the best possible outcome for the child. 

Learning for Future Careers:

Have you wondered where Maths might take you? Learning in this subject could help you to be a…

Among many other possible careers!

Maths Curriculum Overview