Redwood Trips and Residential's

Peat Rigg

We enjoy an annual residential to the amazing centre at Peat Rigg, near Pickering. Our children are challenged in lots of different ways, taking part in activities including crate stacking; beck scrambling; map reading skills, orienteering in the dark; bouldering, mountain biking; bush craft; archery; abseiling; caving; and zip lining. 

They thoroughly enjoy themselves and usually choose to attend two years in a row.

Howsham Mill

As part of British Science Week, KS2 visited Howsham Mill. Redwood enjoyed lots of explorations into gears, pulleys and levers.  investigated the roles of the driver, the idler and the follower gears and acted these roles out in groups! We also made cogs from clay and sticks. We found out about the effect of pulleys by lifting buckets of water and we carried out an experiment to measure the force needed to lift a load using different length levers. It was a fun-packed and learning-rich day! 

Viking York

As part of our topic on the Vikings, we visited Jorvik Viking Centre. We took the bus into York and walked through the city. We especially loved the workshop about Viking battle tactics!

Crucial Crew

Each year, our Year 6 pupils attend Crucial Crew: an event organised by North Yorkshire police and fire service. Among other things, we learn about fire-safety, how to rescue someone in trouble in water, about keeping safe online and about the imapct of smoking and vaping on our bodies.

Beningbrough Hall

After studying architectural drawing in the classroom, we visited Beningbrough Hall and sketched in the courtyard.

Brownlee Triathlon

All of KS2 had a super active day at York Sport Village for the Brownlee Triathlon. 

Everyone had to swim a lap of the pool, cycle around the track and run the cross country course. 

All the children showed amazing stamina and enthusiasm and had a great day.