
At Linton-on-Ouse Primary School and Nursery, we believe that learning at home is an opportunity for parents/carers to become active partners in supporting their child. Home learning can help promote a positive attitude to learning and show children that home and school are working together in partnership. We believe that homework should be enjoyable for the child and should reinforce lessons taught in school without being onerous on time for the family.

Our Core Homework Expectations:

All children will be given a school planner at the beginning of the academic year. This will be a place to write down the home learning completed, and will contain resources to help you at the back. When children are younger we ask that parents write in planners, however, as children become more mature and able to complete learning more independently, they are free to take on that responsibility. Log-in details for all school used websites will also be in the back of each child's planner.




Year 6: 

Homework will look a little different in Year 6, as SAT preparation takes place. The school will provide additional revision materials for all children, and provide opportunities for revision sessions in school. 

Teachers will communicate if any other homework is to be set - for example they may ask children to find out about family members for a school project, complete work on Maths Shed instead of Century Tech for one assignment, or find out some facts for a particular lesson. This will be communicated within your child's planner. 

Reading Rainforest:

Children are rewarded for regular home reading through our Reading Rainforest Scheme. For every home read logged in their planners, they gain a point towards a small prize. These include a certificate, bookmark or sticker. 

Further Information:

Reading R.pdf

Reading Rainforest

TT Rockstars.pdf

TT Rockstars

Spelling & Math Shed.pdf

Maths & Spelling Shed