Year 4 Multiplication Check

In Year 4, all children complete a multiplication check in June.  

This is a statutory assessment, with 25 timed questions from; 2 X 2 to 12 X 12. 

Please take the time to read through the presentation provided, this will offer information and guidance about the Multiplication check and how to prepare.

MTC check info ppt 2024.pdf

How To Prepare

At our school, we use the website TT Rockstars to prepare the children for the multiplication check.  This is a super resource which we can adapt to tailor the questions to support your child with their times tables recall. Your child will be given a log-in by their class teacher when they are ready to access this resource:

On TT Rockstars, there is a multiplication check simulator - 'Sound Check'.  Using this feature will give your child some practice at answering the questions with a timer.  

Other websites that might be helpful are:



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