P.E. (Physical Education)

"Intelligence and skills can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong." ~ John.F.Kennedy


At Linton-On-Ouse Primary School, we want all children to become physically literate through the delivery of high-quality Physical Education, School Sport & Physical Activity, whilst raising awareness of Health & Wellbeing that will lead to lifelong participation and enjoyment of sport and physical activity.

We value the importance of every child accessing all areas of our inclusive Physical Education curriculum. To support this, teachers ensure there are cross-curricular links throughout the subject.

Together we aim to develop sportspeople that learn:  


Through the use of our own swimming pool, pupils leave our school with the best opportunity of being able to swim confidently and competently through swimming lessons across the Key Stages and EYFS. Children are encouraged to participate in our broad range of competitions and extra-curricular activities, which help to extend learning and character development beyond the classroom.

Learning outside the classroom opportunities are regularly provided, such as residential visits to Peat Rigg and Snowball and we also ensure regular participation in festivals and competition with a variety of schools for all Key Stages and EYFS. 

Physical Education aims to develop the knowledge, skills and capabilities necessary for mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing in our children now and for their future. Physical fitness is an important part of leading a healthier lifestyle. It teaches self-discipline and that to be successful you must work hard, show resilience and have the determination to believe that anything can be achieved.


Pupils at Linton-On-Ouse Primary School and Nursery participate in 2x weekly high-quality PE lessons.  Our PE curriculum, meeting the National Curriculum requirements, ensures children receive a broad, rich and balanced curriculum that incorporates a variety of sports to ensure all children develop the confidence, tolerance and the appreciation of their own and others’ strengths and challenges. As well as PE lessons, we also offer a wider curriculum that provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curricular activities during and after school, in addition to competitive sporting events supported by our local cluster of primary schools and the School Games organisers. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also well-being.


The EYFS Curriculum for PE (Physical Development) Gross motor skills provide the foundation for developing healthy bodies and social and emotional well- being. Fine motor control and precision helps with hand-eye co-ordination. At Linton-on-Ouse Primary School children in EYFS receive 2x PE sessions per week and part in physical activities throughout the day in their continuous provision time and engaging in a weekly forest school session onsite. We also ensure that children are exposed to cross curricular links enabling PE activities to take place during literacy and maths.

KS1 and KS2:

Using the National Curriculum and Cambridge PE, we follow a rolling 2-year programme (Year A and Year B) This ensures that all key topics are covered and supports the progression of skills across our mixed age classes.

In KS1 we aim to develop the fundamental key skills. This supports the development of the early stages of tactical awareness and physical fitness elements of agility, balance and coordination.

At KS2 pupils continue to apply and develop a range of skills to enable them to become successful games players, dancers, gymnasts and athletes.

Our curriculum ensures teaching and developing ball skills and team games, gymnastics and dance activities and our children are introduced to a wide variety of games, gymnastics, dance, outdoor and adventurous and athletics.


Our curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children at Linton-On-Ouse Primary School and Nursery, not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values and disciplines PE promotes. Within our lessons, children are taught about self-discipline and that to be successful you need to take ownership and responsibility of their own health and fitness. We motivate children to utilise these underpinning skills in an independent and effective way.

Impact will be measured by assessing against knowledge and skills objectives for Dance, Team Games and Fundamental Movement through ‘Insight pupil tracking’ as:

·       Above

·       Below

·       Just Below

·       On Track

·       Greater Depth

All subjects are monitored and kept up to date by a specified subject leader. Each term, reports are created to share with school staff and governors, showing the children's progression and key development points for that subject area. 

Parents are informed of their child's progress through parent-teacher meetings and written reports. Teachers will request to meet with parents should any concerns arise, aiming for the best possible outcome for the child. 

Learning for Future Careers:

Have you wondered where P.E. might take you? Learning in this subject could help you to be a…

Among many other possible careers!

PE Curriculum Overview

LOOPS PE Curriculum Overview.pdf