R.E. (Religious Education)

"No matter your religious or spiritual beliefs … for every person who inhales and exhales… you are alive, you can dream." ~ Georgia Dawkins


At Linton-on-Ouse Primary School and Nursery, we believe that it is important for all our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can better form an understanding of the world around them. We aim for children in our school to:


We use the North Yorkshire RE Syllabus for Religious Education.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage RE is mainly taught by introducing children to main religions through their own experiences of the word: who is special, which places are special, which stories are special and what is special about our world.

Throughout KS1 and KS2, Religious Education is taught in discrete lessons focused on a key question. Examples include:

Through these questions, individual religious beliefs can be shared and discussed and links to wider knowledge and prior learning made. 

We value the religious background of all members of the school community and actively encourage individuals to share their own experiences with others freely. All religions and their communities are treated with respect and sensitivity and we value the links, which are made between home, school, and the faith community.  We are extremely lucky to have members of various faiths visiting our school to share their beliefs with us, as well as being able to visit local places of worship.

We acknowledge that each religion studied can contribute to the education of all our pupils. We promote teaching in Religious Education that stresses open enquiry and first-hand experiences wherever possible for both staff and children. 


The children at Linton-on-Ouse Primary School and Nursery enjoy learning about other religions, enjoy deep diving in to the big questions about life. RE is an opportunity for children to develop their own personal beliefs and make reference to them. Through their R.E. learning, the children are able to make links between their own lives and those of others in their community, and in the wider world, developing an understanding of other people’s cultures and ways of life. 

Impact is measured through teacher assessment based on statements on ‘Insight pupil tracking’ and categorised as:

·       Above

·       Below

·       Just Below

·       On Track

·       Greater Depth

Our curriculum, along with various trips, workshops and visitors, will impact our children by enabling them to make outstanding progress throughout their time at Linton-On-Ouse Primary School and Nursery and they will leave us with at least age-related expectations for Religious Education. We will have developed children with curiousity, a love of learning about the world, and an understanding of the beliefs and values of those around them. This will be evidenced through pupil voice and completion of tasks in their exercise books.

All subjects are monitored and kept up to date by a specified subject leader. Each term, reports are created to share with school staff and governors, showing the children's progression and key development points for that subject area. 

Parents are informed of their child's progress through parent-teacher meetings and written reports. Teachers will request to meet with parents should any concerns arise, aiming for the best possible outcome for the child. 

Learning for Future Careers:

Have you wondered where Religious Education might take you? Learning in this subject could help you to be a…

Among many other possible careers!

Curriculum Overview:

LOOPS RE Curriculum Overview.pdf