
"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we fear less." ~ Marie Curie


At Linton-On-Ouse Primary School and Nursery, science is a valued core subject. We recognise the importance of science in everyday life. Our science curriculum gives children the opportunity to understand the world around them and develop their natural curiosity in order to develop the scientists of the future. 

We aim to support our children in becoming observant individuals who naturally develop hypotheses and investigate to find an explanation. We believe that science is the perfect subject for helping to develop resilience, patience and is an opportunity to learn from failure and not success.

Our curriculum provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics and we prioritise developing scientific skills through exploring a variety of enquiry types such as: observation overtime, comparative/fair testing, secondary research, pattern seeking and identifying, grouping and classifying. We ensure that essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science are at the forefront of each lesson taught and we provide exciting, practical hands-on experiences for our children to enjoy and remember. As a school, we actively work to promote gender equality in science and highlight a wide range of role models within the subject, including women in science.


Meeting the National Curriculum requirements, our curriculum ensures that children receive a rich, broad and balanced curriculum.

In EYFS the curriculum for Understanding the World is taught in a variety of ways through adult-led and adult-supported tasks and child-initiated learning in well-resourced provision areas, both indoors and outdoors.

In KS1 and 2 Using the National Curriculum, we follow a rolling 2-year programme (Year A and Year B). This ensures that all key topics are covered and supports the progression of skills across our mixed age classes. 

Where appropriate, we block learning in order to immerse children fully and to ensure cross-curricular learning., we link our learning to key texts that will enrich language and provide context to learning and where relevant and possible, we offer enrichment activities to motivate, excite and inspire pupils through educational visits, visitors and theme days etc.

Teachers create a positive attitude to science learning within their classrooms and reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in science.

Science work is recorded in a writing and topic book. 

Every year group will build upon the learning from prior year groups therefore developing depth of understanding and progression of skills. Children are to explore, question, predict, plan, carry out investigations and observations as well as conclude their findings. 


Impact is measured by assessing against objective statements through ‘Insight pupil tracking’ as:

·       Below

·       Just Below

·       On Track

·       Greater Depth

Our curriculum, along with various trips, workshops and visitors, will impact our children by enabling them to make outstanding progress throughout their time at Linton-On-Ouse Primary School and Nursery and they will leave us with at least age-related expectations for science. We will have developed enthusiastic scientists and our children will understand how science has changed our lives and it is vital to the world’s future prosperity.  Our children will understand that they have the capability to change the world. This will all be evidenced through pupil voice, science books and through the children’s love of science.

All subjects are monitored and kept up to date by a specified subject leader. Each term, reports are created to share with school staff and governors, showing the children's progression and key development points for that subject area. 

Parents are informed of their child's progress through parent-teacher meetings and written reports. Teachers will request to meet with parents should any concerns arise, aiming for the best possible outcome for the child. 

Linton-On-Ouse primary School and Nursery was awarded the PSQM (Primary Science Quality Mark) in May 2023. 

Learning for Future Careers:

Have you wondered where Science might take you? Learning in this subject could help you to be a…

Among many other possible careers!

Science Curriculum Overview

Science curriculum overview .pdf