D.T. (Design and Technology)

"There Are Three Responses To A Piece Of Design - Yes, No, And WOW! Wow Is The One To Aim For" ~ Milton Glaser


At Linton-on-Ouse Primary School and Nursery, our Design and Technology curriculum intends to be inspiring, practical, meaningful and memorable.  Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. We intend to equip children with life skills, knowledge and understanding and give them opportunities to examine and analyse others' designs as well as their own. Students will learn about past inventors and innovators and develop a critical understanding of the impact that design and technology has had in our world. 

"High quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation." (National Curriculum document)

We aim for students to:


At Linton-on-Ouse Primary School and Nursery, Design and Technology is taught through termly units of work. Projects are cross-curricular where possible, and are carefully sequenced to build on skills as the children progress through the school.

We employ a structure to the sequence of lessons:

Projects taught include sewing and textiles, machines and mechanisms, and food and nutrition. Each of these strands is taught each year from Year 1, with the addition of electrical systems in KS2.

Children are given real and relevant problems or projects, linking to the real world and ending in the creation of a real product. 


Impact is measured through teacher assessment based on statements on ‘Insight pupil tracking’ and categorised as:

·       Above

·       Below

·       Just Below

·       On Track

·       Greater Depth

Our curriculum, along with various trips, workshops and visitors, will impact our children by enabling them to make outstanding progress throughout their time at Linton-On-Ouse Primary School and Nursery and they will leave us with at least age-related expectations for design and technology. We will have developed enthusiastic inventors and our children will understand how D.T. has changed our lives and it is vital to the world’s future prosperity.  Our children will understand that they have the capability to change the world. This will all be evidenced through pupil voice, photos of projects and their work in the books, and through the children’s love of designing and creating.

All subjects are monitored and kept up to date by a specified subject leader. Each term, reports are created to share with school staff and governors, showing the children's progression and key development points for that subject area. 

Parents are informed of their child's progress through parent-teacher meetings and written reports. Teachers will request to meet with parents should any concerns arise, aiming for the best possible outcome for the child. 

Learning for Future Careers:

Have you wondered where Design and Technology might take you? Learning in this subject could help you to be a…

Among many other possible careers!

Curriculum Overview:

LOOPS DT Curriculum Overview Updated.pdf