Welcome to Little Oaks & Birch Class

Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2

Take a look at: 

Mrs Renton

Class Teacher

Fun Fact: Mrs Renton used to represent England at running.

Our Class Teaching Assistants

Mrs Wilson

Miss Carr

Miss Lawson

PE Days are:


Forest School is:


Little Oaks and Birch News and Highlights

Tropical World

Multi-Sports Event

Marathon Event

Delivering Christmas Messages

Half Termly Topic Overviews

Our half-termly overviews are sent home at the start of every new half-term. They explain what the class will be studying over the following weeks. Half termly overviews for 2023/2024 are also available to download below.

LO and Birch Overview Autumn 1 2324.pdf

Autumn Term 1

Birch Special Times and Special places parent topic web.pdf

Autumn Term 2

Up, up and away Spring 1 parent topic web.pdf


Term 1


Term 2

Summer Term 1

Summer Term 2