Welcome to Willow Class

Year 3 and 4

Miss Cockerill

Class Teacher

Fun Fact: I live on a farm with cows, sheep and 3 sheepdogs called Jan, Meg and Tip. 

Miss Pearson

Teaches Willow on Wednesdays

Fun Fact: I have jumped out of a plane twice and I have also done a bungee jump as well. The bungee jump will not be done again!

Weekly Homework


TT Rockstars

Reading: daily

PE Days




Willow News and Highlights

The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse.

The children all did a fantastic performance of 'The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse' in front of an audience during golden book. They only had five days to rehearse and learn their lines but they were all amazing! Well done Willow, what a great achievement!

National Railway Museum

Willow Class visited the National Railway Museum to gain more of an understanding of how trains have changed and developed over time. The children had an excellent and interesting time exploring the Great Hall, looking at the different types of trains there are, writing down key features. We also attended a workshop about streamlining, seeing how the shape of a train can affect the speed it goes. We visited the Wonderlab. Everybody enjoyed the different science-related activities. We all had a fantastic learning experience!

Art Gallery

On the 16th of November, Willow class visited York Art Gallery to learn more about  our art topic this half term - Every Picture tells a story. The children all had a great time exploring the different pieces of art work. They completed a treasure hunt, looked at the different colours and textures of the paintings, enjoyed looking at all the different pieces of artwork and finding out what story they are telling, recreated their own version of their favourite pieces of artwork, using the fantastic resources at the art gallery! A fantastic day was had by all!


Willow class took part in a skip2bfit and box2bfit session just before half term. The children all did some excellent work and showed some great resilience and perseverance when skipping and boxing. 

Half Termly Overviews

Our half-termly overviews are sent home at the start of every new half-term. They explain what the class will be studying over the following weeks and provide information about the homework expectations. Half termly overviews for 2023/2024 are also available to download below.

overview Aut 1 2023 Willow.pdf

Autumn Term 1

Overview second half autumn 2023.pdf

Autumn Term 2

Overview Spring 1 YA Class 2 8.1.24 - PDF.pdf


Term 1


Term 2

overview Summer 1 YA Class 2 2024.pdf

Summer Term 1

Summer Term 2