Examples of our work in Willow

Information Texts

In our writing for this half term, the children have created some amazing information reports about their own imagined mountain. They include information about their location, the wildlife living there, the equipment needed to climb the mountain, any myths and the weather conditions. There was a range of peaceful mountains to deadly ones! 

Paperclip Experiment

In our forces and magnets topic, we wanted to conduct an experiment to find out which was the strongest magnet. 

We had: A large bar magnet, A small bar magnet and a horseshoe magnet. 

The strongest magnet was the one which held the most paperclips in a chain. Our results showed that the strongest magnet was the small bar magnet, which was the opposite to everyone's predictions. 

The Internet

This half term in Willow, we have been exploring the internet where we have learnt about: 

-The purpose of the internet (what it is used for).

-The different parts that make up the internet. 

-The World Wide Web.

-How to be safe online.

-Who content on the internet belongs to.

Our Branching Databases

In computing, we created our very own branching databases to sort between a selection of different dinosaurs. 

First, we planned them on paper, deciding which questions to use to make our databases as even as possible. When we were happy with them, we moved onto producing a digital one on the computer. All pupils worked brilliantly together in their pairs and produces some excellent and accurate databases.

Forest School

Willow class completed a forest school session, taking part in various outdoor activities. These involved: 

-A scavenger hunt 

-Magic wand making

-Making faces out of natural materials

-Weaving some remembrance poppies. 

World Mental Health Day

For World Mental Health Day, we made our own unique hands, adding things that make us happy. We discussed the importance of keeping both physically and mentally healthy and thought of ways to achieve this. 

Water Cycle in a bag

This half term we have been learning about the different states of matter and the Water Cycle. We made a water cycle in a bag to show the processes of evaporation, condensation and precipitation. Have a look at our amazing work!

DT - All about me cushions

This half term in DT, we have been using running stitch and cross stitch to complete our very own cushions. These are designed to be all about us, including our initials and favourite things. Everybody worked extremely hard, producing high quality cushions.