Welcome to Linton-on-Ouse Primary School and Nursery

Headteacher: Mrs Davinia Pearson

📞 Telephone: 01347 848234 

✉️ Email: admin@linton.n-yorks.sch.uk

📍 Address: Linton Woods Lane, Linton-on-Ouse, York, YO30 2BD

🕣 Office opening times: 8:30am to 4:00pm - Monday to Friday

Learning, achieving, and caring together 'The Linton Way'

Headteacher's Welcome

Here at Linton-on-Ouse Primary School and Nursery we recognise the importance of helping our pupils to develop their full potential and we do our utmost to make that a reality. We also recognise that this is more likely to happen when school and home work in partnership for the good of the children, we try to develop the whole child and work to enable them to become balanced individuals with a sense of responsibility towards others. Our School is an integral part of the village community. We work with our neighbours and all contribute to the feeling of belonging and citizenship. All children are regarded as equals in our school and we encourage them in all their achievements. As our children leave primary education our aim is that he/she is equipped with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and confidence to move on to the next stage of education, and for life. We hope you find our website informative, it contains information about our school and our practices, if you would like a copy of any of the information you find on this website, please just ask. If you require further information or you would like to look round our school during the day, please do not hesitate to contact us. I look forward to meeting you!

Mrs D Pearson

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If you would like paper copies of any of the policies or documents on the website, please contact the school and we would be happy to provide them.